When are you driving too fast for conditions?

05 Mar, 2022

On Behalf of Mack & Mack Attorneys | Uncategorized

South Carolina typically has pleasant weather for most of the year. Still, if you have lived in the Palmetto State for longer than a few months, you have undoubtedly been through at least one torrential downpour. You also may have driven on icy roadways during a winter storm.

A speeding ticket may set you back hundreds of dollars. According to reporting from Bank Rate, driving too fast also increases auto insurance premiums by an average of 19% for South Carolina motorists. Regrettably, even if you are driving well under posted speed limits, it is possible to receive a costly speeding citation.

A too-fast-for-conditions ticket

Section 56-5-1520 of the South Carolina Code prohibits motorists from driving faster than is reasonable and prudent. Remember, what is reasonable and prudent may change from day to day. Weather conditions, traffic congestion, sun glare and other factors may make it necessary to drive well under the posted speed limit.

Blame for an accident

Officers with both local law enforcement and the South Carolina Highway Patrol regularly investigate motor vehicle accidents to determine who is responsible for causing them. When responsibility is not immediately clear, officers often cite one or both motorists for driving too fast for conditions.

Your legal defense

South Carolina law prevents officers from using a car accident as proof a driver violated state law. Consequently, if you receive a speeding-for-conditions citation after an accident, you may have a valid defense. You also may have other ways to avoid the ticket.

Ultimately, because of both the cost of the citation and the potential for skyrocketing insurance premiums, it is advisable to explore all possible defenses.

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