The basics of a home closing

29 May, 2019

On Behalf of Mack & Mack Attorneys | real estate

When people buy their first home in South Carolina, it may surprise them to learn how much has to happen before the house is officially theirs. As people approach the closing day, they may have many questions about what will happen during this meeting.

People usually receive paperwork at the closing. According to Bankrate, the new homeowners typically get a deed of trust and a mortgage note. They may also receive a loan estimate and escrow statement, as well as the closing disclosure. These documents outline a homeowner’s financial responsibilities. If people are purchasing a newly-built home, they generally receive a certificate of occupancy as well. It may surprise some buyers to see how many people are in the room when they arrive for their home closing. Most of the time, both the sellers and the buyers attend the closing, as well as the real estate agent for the seller. Additionally, there is usually a closing agent and a representative of the title insurance company. Both the sellers and the buyers might also have an attorney present.

Before people attend the closing meeting, it is a good idea for them to do one last walk-through of the house. says this allows people to make sure the sellers have made any agreed-upon repairs and removed all their possessions. If the buyers notice any problems, they can generally bring them up at the closing meeting to ensure these problems get fixed. Additionally, people have to make sure the title is clear so ownership of the house can legally transfer from the sellers to the buyers.

When people get ready to close on their house, it is important for them to ensure they have all of the required documentation. This documentation includes the home inspection reports and proof that the buyers have homeowners insurance. Additionally, people typically need to bring paperwork about their loan, as well as the contract they have with the seller. It is also a good idea to bring a form of ID.

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